
Missionaries and Organizations
we support

Missions we support around the world


Raul & Lily Carrasco Spain

  • In 2004, while Lily was in Spain for half a year she had a vision where the Province of Galicia, Spain was flashing on the map.  In 2006, Raul and Lily travelled to La Coruña for six weeks to reconnaissance the land and pray about the calling.  One morning, Raul had a vision where God took from his heart this part of the land of Spain and passed it on to their hands, and they understood God’s confirmation of the call to them; that from the confines of a distant terrain people would emerge, and soldiers would be formed for his Kingdom. 

    From then onwards, in August of 2011 they moved to La Coruña, Spain and started their first Church plantation project in the town of Carballo the following year.  Their vision is to continue planting churches in the Province of Galicia, which embraces the geographical area of the northern Portugal border and the tip of Northwestern Spain. Within this region, there are hundreds of unreached towns with no church groups of any kind.  It is the reason they are also leading a church planting ministry within the Province of Galicia, which as an organization is further focusing in planting 1,000 new churches throughout Spain over the next decade.  

    World missions continues to be at the center of God’s will for His church, and they have identified an urgent need to reach lost souls for Christ in this region, one millennia ago known as ‘the ends of the earth’.


Cetrulo Family Uruguay

  • With a fresh vision and a new country call to Uruguay, the Cetrulo’s plan to engage in ministry which fulfills PAOC International Missions’ mandate of reaching the lost and caring for the poor and marginalized as well as spiritual and leadership training for people of influence. Their hope is to be active church planters, and to develop a theological and leadership training centre, a mission training/sending centre, and a feeding program for impoverished children through the auspices of ERDO.

    Ministry History:  When ministering in Costa Rica, Alejandro and Mercedes were involved with church planting with a membership of over 100. Their vision was to plant an orphanage and rehab centre for drug addicts, alcoholics and prostitutes. They established “The Bridge” ministry which is made possible through volunteer efforts of church members who physically and spiritually feed these wonderful people.


Andrej & Lydia Zelenjak Slovenia

  • Andrej and Lydia, and their children Elijah and Amy, live in the western Alps, in Slovenia. They entered into fulltime ministry a few months after their wedding. They have a strong desire to pioneer more churches in Slovenia as well as internationally. They are flexible to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and there is nothing more important to them as to follow the Lord full-heartedly.

    Andrej: “Since 2013, when Lydia and I stepped into fulltime ministry, we have been through the most difficult and the most beautiful times in our lives. We thought it would be easier to work as pioneer workers in Slovenia, but we have discovered that it is extremely hard work. Nevertheless, these past years were also the most beautiful in our lives; through the difficulties we were facing, we learned to trust the Lord despite the circumstances we were facing. A year and a half into our ministry, we had to rethink where we are in God’s plan and the Lord confirmed through the prophetic word we are just where He wants us to be. Praise the Lord! We full-heartedly continue following the Lord wherever He is leading us. Now we can say the same thing as the

    Apostle Paul wrote; ”...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”; (Philippians 4:12- 13).

    Through the Lord’s grace, we were able to put on many outreach events, and worship and charitable concerts in the town of Kobarid. In these past years, we have sowed the seeds of the Gospel to hundreds of peoples’ hearts. We are praying and looking forward for the harvest to come in its time. Please, join us in our prayers”


Sarah Ross Germany

  • After eleven years of teaching at a Christian school in Toronto, Sarah felt God calling her to Germany. A child of missionaries, she now serves families in the field at Black Forest Academy, Kandern. She teaches French and Science to students whose parents build churches, evangelize unreached peoples, and spread the Gospel message around the globe.

    Her journey to Black Forest Academy began in September 2018. After over a decade teaching contentedly at a Christian school in Toronto, Sarah had a surprising thought. This will be her final year. The perfect peace that followed assured her God had a plan. She just didn’t know what it was yet. So she started praying. One of her prayer partners suggested she consider Black Forest Academy. After some research and a conversation with her sister, Sarah submitted my resume.

    Black Forest Academy replied. The only position posted for the middle school? A German teacher. Sarah didn’t even speak German, but within the week, a new email informed her of a sudden opening. The former French teacher was getting married, leaving that position available. She applied and was accepted for the

    2019-2020 academic year. God’s timing and provision at work! Black Forest Academy (BFA) serves over 240 students in Grades 5-12. Established in 1956 by the Janz Team (now TeachBeyond), the school offers a quality, international Christian education that’s affordable. The entire staff partners with mission organizations, allowing children from missionary families to learn and grow in a supportive setting alongside other international students.


Mary Cho Sierra Leone

  • Bio Coming Soon!


Kenyamanyara Family Tanzania

  • Julius Kenyamanyara provides care to over 1000 children through shelter, healthcare, and educational programs as well as another program specifically designed to cater for the needs of children and youth with albinism known as Under the Same Sun. Julius also serves as the lead pastor for Petra City Church in Mwanza, which is a newly urban church plant that seeks to transform it’s community by producing inspiring and equipping Christ centered believers.  

    Ministry History:  

    Julius started his mission’s journey together with his late wife -Jade, back in 2009 when they moved across the world from Kenya to Canada. Julius and Jade got married and started their ministry together in Canada where they were involved in various ministry roles including youth, children, and interim pastoring. In 2012 they started their mission’s journey as volunteer staff at Dar es Salaam Pentecostal Church in Tanzania and after two years God led them to VOH in Mwanza where they served

Ministries We Support

Adam House